Migrating to Topic Type Annotations

In OpenDDS 3.14, we have deprecated the #pragma DCPS_DATA_TYPE and #pragma DCPS_DATA_KEY preprocessor statements in favor of IDL 4 annotations. This document will just give advice on how to migrate existing IDL to use topic type annotations. It is recommended to also read the “Defining the Data Types” section in the OpenDDS Developer’s Guide, where topic type annotations are covered in more detail.

Table of Contents:

Basic Example

The following IDL is a basic example of using the old preprocessor statements to declare topic types and keys.

#pragma DCPS_DATA_TYPE "BasicType"
#pragma DCPS_DATA_KEY "BasicType value"
struct BasicType {
  long value;

It can be rewritten with annotations as:

struct BasicType {
  @key long value;

Backwards Compatible Example

If you need the IDL to be backwards compatible with an older version of OpenDDS, you can make use of the __OPENDDS_IDL_HAS_ANNOTATIONS macro defined by opendds_idl.

#  define KEY @key
#  define KEY

#  pragma DCPS_DATA_TYPE "BasicType"
#  pragma DCPS_DATA_KEY "BasicType value"
struct BasicType {
  KEY long value;

Array Keys

In the old system you had to specify every element in an array to make all the elements part of the key:

#pragma DCPS_DATA_TYPE "ArrayType"
#pragma DCPS_DATA_KEY "ArrayType array[0]"
#pragma DCPS_DATA_KEY "ArrayType array[1]"
#pragma DCPS_DATA_KEY "ArrayType array[2]"
#pragma DCPS_DATA_KEY "ArrayType array[3]"
struct ArrayType {
  long array[4];

That is no longer necessary, as applying @key to an array will do that same thing.

struct ArrayType {
  @key long array[4];

NOTE: If you relied on the old behavior to make selective elements part of the key, this will not work with annotations. We would suggest separating out the elements into a separate field.

Implied Keys

If you had a nested struct where you wanted every member to be a key like such:

struct NestedType {
  long a;
  short b;
  char c;

#pragma DCPS_DATA_TYPE "CompositeType"
#pragma DCPS_DATA_KEY "CompositeType nested.a"
#pragma DCPS_DATA_KEY "CompositeType nested.b"
#pragma DCPS_DATA_KEY "CompositeType nested.c"
#pragma DCPS_DATA_KEY "CompositeType another_key"
struct CompositeType {
  NestedType nested;
  long some_value;
  long another_key;

Then you can omit specifying them all as a key with annotations if specify the field with the nested struct type as a key:

struct NestedType {
  long a;
  short b;
  char c;

struct CompositeType {
  @key NestedType nested;
  long some_value;
  @key long another_key;

If you specify any keys in the nested struct, then only those members will be used as keys, instead of all of them:

struct NestedType {
  @key long a;
  @key short b;
  char c;

Finally, if desired, you can specify all the fields manually:

struct NestedType {
  @key long a;
  @key short b;
  @key char c;

This has the same effect as the example where none of the fields in NestedType were marked with @key.

Suppressing Deprecation Warnings

Starting in version 3.14, opendds_idl will warn when it encounters a type declared as a topic type using DCPS_DATA_TYPE. You may suppress these warning by passing --no-dcps-data-type-warnings to opendds_idl, but we will be removing support for these pragma statments at some point in the future. How to pass the option to opendds_idl depends on the build system being used: